
This feature length documentary is comprised predominantly of an intense series of interviews with wounded soldiers returning from Iraq. It chronicles the events leading up to their injuries, the nature of the injuries themselves, and the feelings these young men and women now have about their participation in the war itself.

Additional interviews with family members… husbands, wives and children… as well as close friends, all add to the picture of how each soldier’s injury affects us all.

Inter-cut with these interviews are graphic images of the war itself… and the injuries these young soldiers have sustained.

And as we begin to understand the context of the injuries that they have sustained… and to connect the truth of what’s happening there… with the consequences of what’s happening here… we begin to see the effect that this war has had… and will continue to have on all of us at home.

Also included in the documentary are commentaries from Doctors, Psychiatrists, Department of Defense Spokespeople, VA Hospital Administrators, and Authors and Journalists who have all weighed in on the toll that this war has taken on the young men and women who have fought it.

Told in a reverse timeline, from the most recently returning soldiers… for whom the injuries are foremost and freshest in their mind, and who’s recollection of what happened in battle seems even more important than why… to those who have now been home for several years, and who’s battles have changed with time from the enemy in Iraq, to the Veterans Administration at home, an important theme unfolds.

Will we pay the price to care for these brave young soldiers here…as they paid the price to defend us over there?

If we do not… if we do not commit ourselves as a nation to their continued care… then will we not as a nation also be…


© mediagroup inc.     January 2008