mediagroup inc. principals have produced motion pictures and television shows for 20th Century Fox, ABC Television, CBS News, Turner Broadcasting, NBC News, Group W, PBS and Cable Television.
mediagroup inc. principals’ credits include:
Television, Documentary and Theatrical Films
- Fast Lane Summer (Theatrical release by PopTwist)
- Fillmore, The Final Days (Theatrical release by 20th Century Fox)
- Wildlife Legacy (Turner Broadcasting)
- Savage (ABC Television Movie of the Week)
- Tiger Trade (ABC News)
- The Koppel Report: Television Revolution in a Box, (ABC)
- A World Without Walls (PBS / Koppel Communications)
- Let the Fires Burn (National Park Service)
- Video Ink (Lionheart Television)
- Carter For President Television Spots (Carter Campaign, 1980)
- Drag Racing Dreams (Drag Racing Museum and Hall of Fame)